Listen Online to Vero's Voice Radio
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Celebrity Interviews
Rhett has had the privilege of interviewing a long list of prominent people from political figures to entertainers. The list includes: Secretary of State, Colin Powell; Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford; Reverend Billy Graham, Tommy Lee Jones, Garth Brooks and more.
Recorded Songs
Rhett was first place Vocalist in Nashville's Music City Festival. A walk across America in song and narrative. "Your songs touched my heart . . ." - General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, U.S. Army
Vero's Voice Magazine
Rhett is the publisher for Vero's Voice Magazine, which broadcasts the voice of the community with concise articles - to entertain, inform, and promote local businesses of integrity in a glossy, easy-to-read format.
Get In Touch
95 Royal Palm Pointe Dr.
Vero Beach, FL 32960
(772) 473-7777